Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Crete Observed Nudist Bikers Part14

Every major city should have allocated by its city administrators areas in nature for the practice of free and relaxed nature practices as has been demonstrated can be done and indeed has been done in Vienna where I lived during the 1970's and saw the early developments and realization of this naturist dream come to full fruition. Naked people have the opportunity to walk for miles and to talk with others as they promenade in healthy naturist and hedonistic style or lie relaxed, or even some may say provocatively, along the paths on well maintained lawn areas for miles where there are first class restaurant, cafés, sports and toilet facilities, all paid for with the tax payers money. What difference all this has made to the psyche of the people who enjoy to relax in this manner and who develop and maintain many naturist and perhaps even hedonistic friendships and contacts. Today's society needs a bid of additional stimulation which can be greatly provided through the various naturists/nudists i.e. Nature materials and publications of the various Nature groups.- Courtesy of Igor Zupnik

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